Mission Possible
The Book:
UHC is Mission Possible

The book Mission Possible: Paving the road to Universal Health Coverage is not simply a well researched analysis of the status and recommendations for change. It is a call for actions that go beyond tinkering. It is a call to reform and reimagine healthcare as it is delivered today. Only then can we achieve the goal of Universal Health Coverage. Indeed, we make the optimistic case that UHC is well within our reach if such change is implemented.
The Movement:
The UHC Dialogues

The book is meant as a beginning. It offers a palette of options to consider in the journey towards UHC. Selecting from them will require thoughtful deliberation and sometimes even experimentation. This requires an inclusive approach that is generative of diverse approaches and ideas from which the best can be selected. And hence we are initiating the conversation through this site and multiple city book discussion events that we are labelling as the UHC Dialogues. We hope you will join this dialogue.